Monday, November 21, 2016

11. Linear combinations

For some purposes it is important to know that any linear combination of sine waves of the same period or frequency but different phase shifts is also a sine wave with the same period or frequency, but a different phase shift. This is useful in sinusoid data fitting, because the measured or observed data are linearly related to the a and b unknowns of the in-phase and quadrature components basis below, resulting in a simpler Jacobian, compared to that of c and φ.

Sine and cosine

In the case of a non-zero linear combination of a sine and cosine wave (which is just a sine wave with a phase shift of π/2), we have
and (using the atan2 function)

Arbitrary phase shift

More generally, for an arbitrary phase shift, we have

More than two sinusoids

The general case reads[citation needed]
See also Phasor addition.